
Cert II in Hospitality


Certificate II in Hospitality

Certificate II in Hospitality is a VET qualification, which is nationally recognised.  This is a practical course focused on 'front of house' activities.  These include barista skills, preparation of non-alcoholic beverages, working in teams and service at the school restaurant.  A Responsible Service of Alcohol and Responsible Gambling Services courses are a part of the program.  Students must complete 12 service periods in the hospitality industry. 

Semester 1
Semester 2

Espresso Coffee

Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Restaurant Service

Working with customers

Semester 3Semester 4

Responsible service of alcohol

Responsible gambling services

Understanding the hospitality industry


Opportunities and Careers

This qualification provides a pathway to work in the hospitality industry as a bar attendant, catering assistant, food and beverage attendant, front office assistant, porter and room attendant.

Last reviewed 17 May 2023
Last updated 17 May 2023