Guidance Officers working in State High Schools are qualified teachers who have
undertaken further tertiary studies and training in guidance,
counselling and psychology.
Most high schools have at least one fulltime Guidance Officer who
manages a guidance program, which is strongly linked to other student
support services within the school.
The Guidance Officer provides direct service to students (groups and
individuals) who refer themselves or are referred by caregivers such as
parents and teachers. The guidance office provides a facility for
private counselling and advice, as well as provision of information and
other resources connected with careers, personal development and
Although Guidance Officers are a members their school staff, they are
often able to extend beyond the teacher role to handle sensitive
situations in a confidential environment, and to link with and refer on
to community agencies. Networking beyond the school site is particularly
helpful in cases of child protection, critical incidents, substance
abuse and mental health problems.
Areas of Operation
Management - The Guidance Officer functions as a key member of the school management
team, and plans, budgets and is accountable for key
student wellbeing programs within the school.
Careers - The Guidance Officer provides counselling,
advice and information to various members of the school community
relating to pathways, networks and institutions involved in career
development and further education and training. Careers markets,
workshops and representative guest speakers are usually facilitated by
the Guidance Officer, and sometimes this extends to community events and
open access counselling.
Curriculum - The Guidance Officer facilitates
curriculum development (such as career education and life skills) and
staff training and development, as well as assisting various members of
the school community with student course choices and changes. Enrolment
and departure of students are often assisted by the Guidance Officer,
especially in critical or complex cases.
Behaviour - The Guidance Officer assists the
provision of school behaviour management plans, policies, procedures, support programs and strategies, as well as providing counselling and guidance support for clients involved in situations of harm or hurt, such as abuse, intimidation, bullying and harassment. The Guidance Office may also refer students, or facilitate, support programs which develop personal development and/or peer support.
Personal - The Guidance Officer supports the social
and emotional development of groups and individuals in the school
community, extending into health and welfare issues. Counselling and
other helping strategies are used both preventively and responsively.
Other professional helpers are consulted or referred to, and teaming and
networking are highly valued.
Special Education - The Guidance Officer provides
team consultancy support for special education program assessments and
placements, as well as a coordinating role in terms of reporting, filing
and referral procedures. Some Guidance Officers conduct psycho
educational assessments, but this is more common in primary education,
where special educational needs are normally first detected.
Accessing Services
Guidance Officers provide their services to their school communities,
usually by appointments made directly, or through the school
administration office. Students are also able to drop in to the guidance
office at certain open access times, usually at school breaks, for
short term or ad hoc counselling or advice.
Guidance Officers are supervised by the school Principal, but
participate in clinical and technical supervision offered at District
level by a Senior Guidance Officer, who may be based at a school or
District Office.
Senior Guidance Officer
Apart from group and individual professional supervision of Guidance Officers, the Senior Guidance Officer also provides limited direct
guidance services and facilitates training opportunities for guidance
and related staff. Interagency networking, both governmental and
non-governmental, is a key role. Contact can be made through the nearest
District Office of Education Queensland.
Useful phone numbers
- Lifeline: 131 114
- Beyond blue: 1300 224 636
- Kids helpline: 1800 551 800
- Headspace: 1800 650 890
Useful Help Websites
Useful University Websites