
Year 7 - 9 Health and Physical Education



Health and Physical Education (HPE) is an essential component of Junior Secondary Schooling. HPE teaches students how to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts. In Health and Physical Education, students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build resilience and manage satisfying relationships. Additionally Health and Physical Education is about the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies to enable students to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities.

Course Content

By the end of Year 8 students cover a range of topics and are assessed across a number of proficies. In particular students will:

  • investigate strategies and resources to manage changes and transitions and their impact on identities
  • evaluate the impact on wellbeing of relationships and respecting diversity and analyse factors that influence emotional responses
  • investigate strategies and practices that enhance their own and others’ health and wellbeing
  • apply movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement and fitness outcomes
  • examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to the environment can enhance health and wellbeing
  • apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote fair play and inclusivity
  • demonstrate skills to make informed decisions, and propose and implement actions that promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing
  • demonstrate control and accuracy when performing specialized movement skills.
  • they apply and refine movement concepts and strategies to suit different movement situations
  • apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.

Students will participate in a range of physical activities as part of their movement component including: swimming, dance, team sports and athletics skills.

Participating in team sports and developing essential skills in fair play is central to the HPE program. Students have the opportunity to participate in interschool sport competition each year for one term. Students are able encouraged to try out to compete in the following sports; volley ball, soccer, touch football and basketball.

All junior students do compulsory HPE twice a week. This involves covering elements contained in the National Curriculum involving both practical and theory.

In addition to this, year 9 students may choose an additional sport specialisation subject, either touch or basketball. These subjects will focus primarily on developing skills in their area and fitness and theory aspects associated.

Health and Physical Education (HPE) is an essential component of Junior Secondary Schooling. HPE teaches students how to enhance their own and others' health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts. In Health and Physical Education, students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build resilience and manage satisfying relationships. Additionally Health and Physical Education is about the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies to enable students to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities. This course is designed to help prepare students for the selection of HPE in year 10.

Term 1 

Term 2

A Selection of:

  • Aquatics fitness & stroke correction
  • Volleyball

A Selection of:

  • Touch, Tennis, Soccer or Basketball
  • Respectful relationships (Theory)

Practical Assessment: Performance ongoing


Practical Assessment: Performance ongoing

Theory Assessment: Assignment

Term 3Term 4

A Selection of:

  • Touch, Tennis, Soccer or Basketball
  • Physical Wellbeing (Theory)

A Selection of:

  • Biathlon, Exercise Science (aquatics & running)
  • Softball, Ultimate Frisbee or Indoor Cricket

Practical Assessment: Performance ongoing

Theory Assessment: Assignment

Practical Assessment: Performance ongoing


·         Participate in sporting events held at Noosa District SHS and gain selection to represent the school.


A course of study in Year 9 HPE can establish a basis for further education and employment in the fields of fitness, outdoor recreation and education, sports administration, community health and recreation and sport performance.

Last reviewed 21 May 2021
Last updated 21 May 2021